

Lane is available for speaking engagements.

Are you looking for a speaker who can inspire and inform your audience on topics related to caregiving and dementia? Look no further than Lane Morris Buckman!

With years of experience as a regular speaker for caregiver groups and a passion for sharing her knowledge and experiences, Lane is the perfect speaker for your next event. Her presentations are engaging, informative, and relatable, leaving audiences feeling inspired and empowered.

Whether you’re looking for a keynote speaker for a conference or a workshop facilitator for a small group, Lane can tailor her talks to fit your needs. She covers a variety of topics related to dementia and caregiving, including practical tips for caregivers, emotional support, and the importance of self-care.

In addition to her expertise in the field of dementia and caregiving, Lane is also an accomplished author in multiple genres, including contemporary romance, paranormal romance, cozy mystery, and non-fiction.

Don’t miss the opportunity to have Lane Morris Buckman speak at your next event. Contact her today to learn more about her availability and rates.